Wednesday 23 November 2011

Hair Tip of the Day - Olive Oil

So today I thought I'd just do a quick post whilst I'm busy procrastinating from my dissertation (my mind is boggled, so I needed a decent break..).

I guess it's pretty obvious I'm a healthy hair kind of girl after my shampoo post - there'll be many more hair posts to come, trust me!  But after struggling with dry ends and slow growing hair, I thought I'd do a bit of research.  It seems that with everything, there's a vast price difference between different tips and hint people have when it comes to healthy hair; but one I liked the idea of was simply olive oil (exta virgin).  It's something I always have in, so I thought I'd give it a go.  I recently bought a HUGE 750ml bottle from Aldi, it was less than £2.50, which is a bargain, so glugging it all over my hair wasn't a worry!

My hair looked like a bad oil slick, but I persevered and left it on for around an hour.  Now, it took THREE shampoos to get my hair feeling non-greasy, which can't have been too healthy to do... But, on the flip side, when I'd dried it my whole head of hair was soo silky soft I couldn't believe it.  Even the ends!

I'm gonna try oiling up a couple of times a week and see if my hair improves in condition and length!  I'll be intrigued to see if natural products do actually have a high success rate, especially when they're challenged by the high priced hair remedies.

Have you ever tried olive oil on your hair?  Do you use any products which improve your hair's condition?


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